Last month MONTAER Aircraft and SAFE, one of the most prominent Brazilian Flight Schools, announced an agreement for the acquisition of sixty units of the MONTAER MC-01 Aircraft, with the goal of the first electric flight to occur in Brazil by 2023.
The public announcement was made in a ceremony São José dos Campos, Sao Paolo, in the presence of the President of ANAC (Brazilian FAA equivalent), Mr. Luiz Ricardo Nascimento, and other Aeronautical Authorities and aviation enthusiasts whom also celebrated the recent approval of the new Light-Sport Aircraft rules in Brazil (similar to MOSAIC proposition in the United States), which established new grounds for Brazilian Aviation modernization.
Addressing the event, the President of ANAC stated: “We, aviators, know that flight clubs and flight schools holds a reasonably old fleet, and this comes because of the high costs of certified aircraft. Therefore, this deal, now commercial, will allow an update in our institutions. We will

diminish the gap that we have between the 70’s aircraft cockpits and what the freshly graduated pilots will find mainly in Executive or Commercial Aviation. It means a gain in quality of instruction; a gain in safety; and it's a gain to all us Brazilians.”
The announcement of the sixty MONTAER aircraft acquisition by SAFE flight school was a culmination of a process that started almost a year ago when SAFE technical comm
ittee established the requirements for a new aircraft to gradually substitute its current fleet. According to SAFE, they were looking to acquire a good performer and safe aircraft to instruct their pilots. They needed an aircraft that was “docile" as a Cessna 150, and that c
arried the highest embedded technology possible, and pursuant of a ballistic parachute, like the Cirrus 20 (both aircraft currently in SAFE’s fleet). To decide, between the remaining three finalists, SAFE considered requirements such as the greatest safety record, productive capacity, parts supply, ergonomics, payload, cost of acquisition, and whether the manufacturer was willing to manufacture an electric version of its aircraft, in order to SAFE to reach the goal of zero carbon emissions by 2025. After a long checklist, MONTAER became the winner, and the chosen one. The sixty aircraft delivery will occur gradually in the course of a ten-year timeframe.
In 2021, SAFE flight School had announced that it would feature a prominent European aircraft model in its basic flight instruction fleet, but according to SAFE, the high acquisition cost and lack of insurability of the European aircraft model greatly elevated the investment; while the MONTAER, as a safe and as a national product, made it more palatable to compose an insurability executive plan.
For the electric engines, SAFE and MONTAER are in discussions with prominent players such as Rolls Royce, Honeywell, and Brazilian WEG (which developed the electric propulsion engine system used in Embraer’s EMB-203 Ipanema).
On this topic, the entrepreneur, founder and CEO of MONTAER, Bruno de Oliveira stated: “SAFE's project is a beautiful and ambitious one, and for us at MONTAER, it’s a great opportunity. It represents a big milestone to be able to bring the best of electric aviation technology to Brazil. By the next year, our first electric aircraft will already be a reality."
Aiming at the US Market, MONTAER also launched a 141HP version equipped with the Turbocharged ROTAX 915iS, featuring a 40% incremental power boost to the already-hot-performer aircraft. The MONTAER MC-01 in the US is equipped with two ultimate 10-inch Garmin G3X Touchscreens and a G5 Backup unit. Auto-Pilot and Ballistic Parachutes can be added as optional.
This year MONTAER invested in establishing a presence in the US thru its subsidiary, Montaer Aircraft LLC based at DeLand, FL, and partnered with Aero Affinity Holding Corporation to offer assistance and technical support to US customers.
The MONTAER MC-01 with the ROTAX 915iS will be unveiled and debut at the AERO SHOWCASE at DeLand on October 21 and 22 this year (www.aeroshowcase.com).
MONTAER MC-01 is a New Generation of Light-Sport Aircraft designed and built in Brazil. In the United States, it is qualified as a Light-Sport Aircraft (LSA) as it complies with and meets all industry ASTM standards accepted by the FAA. It is a Superior high-wing model with an all-metal airframe and unique finishing and craftsmanship. The MC-01 features a welded passenger safety cell with solid metal rivets and dual yokes. It brings the most advanced avionics equipment available in the Light-Sport world, including autopilot and IFR equipment.
The MONTAER MC-01 is a proven, sophisticated, and stable design with docile controls, reinforced and sturdy landing gear, and a comfortable cabin with impressive room for luggage accessed by a third door. The MONTAER MC-01 offers versions with ROTAX 912 ULS engine, 912 iS (both with 100 HP), and now, introduces the energy boost of the 915iS with 141HP.
For more information:
Email: info@montaeraircraft.com
Phone: +1 (260) 460-7587
Brazilian Government website on new LSA Rules: https://www.gov.br/anac/en/news/2022/light-sport-aircraft-gain-new-rules-and-have-market-expanded
Brazilian news on MONTAER and SAFE deal: https://aeroin.net/safe-escola-de-aviacao-assina-acordo-com-a-montaer-para-60-aeronaves-de-instrucao/
Video of the unveil of the first MONTAER delivered to SAFE Flight School in June, 2022: CLICK HERE